If you could go anywhere in the world and could legally metal detect, where would you want to go? Also what would be the top 10 things you would like to find metal detecting when you get there?

Wow! My imagination goes wild with this question.
If I could go any where in the world and legally metal detect, where would I go. I think of ALL the ancient cultures that have been.
I think I would go the United Kingdom. Metal detecting is like Time travel for me, I love to see the history.
So my question is where in the world do you want to detect?
Now that’s a tough one
If I could detect anywhere I wanted I thought it would be a tossup between a few sites:
I considered Mount Vernon as it would be a great place, and there has got to be a ton of history in that ground that goes back to the birth of our country.
Then I thought oh no. I would want to have a carte blanche week at Gettysburg National Park. OMG that would be the crème de la crème of hunts.
Can you just imagine what would come out of that ground. hundreds of thousands, if not millions of rounds had to of been fired.
Things would have been lost as soldiers hurried to reload. But then I think the sadness would sink in remembering the loss of lives that was so great it is actually hard to imagine.
So at the end of the day, while Gettysburg would be a great place to detect, it’s not at the top of my bucket list. Just meeting and hunting with great friends, no matter where, is where I want to be at the end of a good detecting day.
Barb Connell aka Diggin Chick
Facebook group
If I could detect anywhere in the world, I wouldn’t have to go far.
“Save those roman coins, I don’t need no stink’n hammered’s. “
It would be colonial all the way for me with a dash of civil war. The perfect dish for any true blooded American dirt digger.
Yes, it would be nice to detect with the blokes from the UK but for me finding American history is the ultimate adventure.
Coins from the 1700’s and early 1800’s.
Buckles, buttons and bullets from The Revolutionary and Civil War.
Lockets, pipes and bottles.
Any one of these great saves in my hand would allow me to travel back in time. To wonder, ponder and connect with the past.
To be able to tell a story of a forgotten soul and bring them to the fore front again.
Now that’s good Karma!
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Metal Detecting Anywhere in the World
One of the best things about the hobby of metal detecting is to be able to go to all kinds of places around the world and hunt!
Treasure hunting lets you explore new places that you’ve never been to! You get that itch to go farther and farther to see what history can tell you. We have treasure hunters here that have been to all kinds of locations and found some incredible things!
Our own CEO, Stuart Auerbach, has spent years traveling the globe to both spread awareness of the hobby and discover some amazing pieces of treasure! One location that we believe it would be great to detect would be in the UK.
The UK has some of the most incredible history, with many ancient battles and all kinds of cultures. Many of us here have not yet hunted there. I know there are others that have.
This has always been one of many standout destinations for the modern treasure hunter. To start, we want to mention that it’s recommended you look at the rules and advice regarding detecting anywhere.
We suggest reading through these: https://finds.org.uk/getinvolved/guides/codeofpractice and from our library: https://www.kellycodetectors.com/catalog/library/code-of-ethics/.
After doing some research, we found that Norfolk is a good area to hunt at. One of the reasons this is such a popular hotspot is due to the fact that it’s one of the most historically diverse.
We decided to include our top 4 treasure items we think it would still be amazing to find! Here they are:
- Iron Age relics
- A giant haul of Roman coins (Kellyco does have a good collection of ancient coins, but we would love to find more coin hauls!)
- Viking jewelry or treasure chests
- Other, unique every day or rare items
We have heard from many other fans and customers how amazing hunting in the UK is, so we know if would be another wonderful adventure! There are all kinds of fascinating places to look for treasure.
So we invite YOU to start the journey!
Thank-you for giving us the chance to share our thoughts on this blog!
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We want everyone to apart of our social family! We have contests, expert tips, guest blogs and much more!
Thank-you again!
Kellyco Team
If I could legally detect anywhere in the world?
This is a tough question!
There is Central Park, New York or Hiroshima, Japan or even Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.
But I would probably choose something that most Australian detectorists would choose… Gallipoli.
The relics I would wish to uncover would include: Bullets heads and bullet casing from both Turkish and Australian origin, an Australian Imperial Forces badge/pin, an Ottoman Empire (modern day Turkey) badge/pin, an identification disk of some kind, a firearm used in battle, a Turkish coin, and Australian coin and of course, a personal item e.g. a ring, cigarette tin.
This is also a very relevant site as the date of the landing, 25th of April 1915, is the date we commemorate ANZAC day here in Australia…
The 25th of April 2017 commemorates 102 years since the landing at Gallipoli.
Jacob Ure
YouTube Digging Australia Facebook Digging Australia
Read our review on the AT Pro CLICK [HERE]
If money were no object and I could detect anywhere in the world,
I would like to detect in Europe. Probably in Great Britain. There is a lot of history in Europe. Just imagine finding a huge hoard of coins, even Roman coins. One of my other hobbies is collecting Roman coins. I really enjoy collecting them. I purchase uncleaned ones from detectorists in Europe. I then clean them, and attribute them.
I would love to find some Roman coins with my own detector.
That would be such a hoot. Maybe some day.
Garry aka the Desert Rat
YouTube Channel
Hello fellow detectorist, my name is Garry Boblick. I’ve been detecting for 2 years.
For the question at hand I would love to detect a civil war or revolutionary war battle site. I don’t need to travel to get some awesome history.
The history I will find will be my own history of all the people that gave their lives to make our country what it is today.
Just a chance even to find anything Colonial is at the top of my bucket list. The hunt for these historical item is the dream I see in my head on every target I get.
Read our review on the Whites V3i click [here]
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